liver disease

Advancing Liver Health: Inside Columbia University’s Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation

Introduction The liver is the largest and most important organ in the body with many complex functions assigned to it for cleansing, metabolism, and digestion. Liver diseases can enormously lower someone’s quality of life and deeply affect their status. The very minimal chances of survival in patients afflicted with liver diseases may depend upon advanced…

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water aerobics

Dive into Fitness: The Comprehensive Guide to Water Aerobics

As a fitness program effective in enjoying healthy fitness routines, water aerobics can be termed as the eminent one. It is a mixture of buoyant and aerobic exercises, effective cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training without the pain of one’s body weight. Here, discover water aerobics, including its benefits, exercises, safety responses, and many more. Chapter…

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field control therapy

Field Control Therapy – A Complete Guide

Field Control Therapy (FCT) has evolved as a unique treatment intending to tackle the underlying causes of chronic diseases by concentrating on the body’s energy fields in the changing terrain of holistic health and alternative medicine. Created by Dr. Using ideas from homeopathy, biophysics, immunology, toxicology, and traditional Chinese medicine, Savely Yurkovsky, FCT encourages self-regulation…

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Cutting-Edge Approaches in Natural Health Practices

Cutting-Edge Approaches in Natural Health Practices

Natural health practices have, in recent years, rooted their lives in diets and health, where genetic engineering or other technological means are employed for healing. From the scientific sense of modern wellness, the past has turned into a high-tech revelation that shares existence and utilizes the personal approach as the latest transmutation.  Digital Health Technologies:…

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